Houzz App Adds 3D Preview to Help You Shop (9 photos)

realtyexpertsReal Estate News

If you can’t envision how a piece of furniture or art you are considering might look in your home, a new feature in the Houzz app could help. Houzz’s 3D feature for iPhone and iPad enables you to place items in your room and turn them around to any angle. The Houzz app, updated with this new feature…

Houzz App Adds 3D Preview to Help You Shop (9 photos)

realtyexpertsReal Estate News

If you can’t envision how a piece of furniture or art you are considering might look in your home, a new feature in the Houzz app could help. Houzz’s 3D feature for iPhone and iPad enables you to place items in your room and turn them around to any angle. The Houzz app, updated with this new feature…